General Fund

Beaufort County General Fund Budget to Actual FY 2015 and FY 2016 as of 04-30-2016

The report above includes the Fiscal Year 2016 Projection

Beaufort County Libraries Financials as of 06-30-2016

Special Revenue Funds

State Accommodations Tax (2%) Fund as of 06-30-2016

Local Accommodations Tax (3%) Fund as of 06-30-2016

Local Hospitality Tax Fund as of 06-30-2016

Local Admissions Fee Fund as of 06-30-2016

Capital Projects

Beaufort County Rural and Critical Lands Program Financials as of 06-30-2016

Beaufort County Rural and Critical Lands Program Financials as of 07-31-2016

2006 County Sales Tax Road Projects as of 06-30-2016

Enterprise Funds

Stormwater Utility Financials as of 06-30-2016

Beaufort County Airports - Lady's Island and Hilton Head Island as of 06-30-2016